lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2021

Let's go to the movies!

You are going to see a short film (about 15 minutes) called Validation. It is a story about a parking attendant who gives his customers REAL validation -- giving both free parking and free compliments. It's an amazing and inspiring short film about the importance of acknowledging and validating people. It shows the magic of looking for the best in people. 

Validation the short movie has played at 34 film festivals worldwide and won 17 awards.

You'll have to do some activities about the video. Ready to validate yourself?

Anwer the following questions in your notebook:
  1. Where does Hugh Newman work?
  2. Write at least three or four accomplishments he makes to clients.
  3. What is the name of the girl he falls in love with?
  4. Where does she work?
  5. What happens to her at work?
  6. Why doesn't she smile at first? What happens that makes her smile again?
You can see it with subtitles here:

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